My first project was an introduction/get to know you project. Each of the objects, pictures, or drawings represent something about me. For example, the bottom left picture is a cutout from a brochure I picked up from my favorite vacation to the Rapid City Founding Fathers museum. The Monopoly money represents my love for board games and my competitive spirit. In this project, I had to use at least three different mediums. Anything from drawing to painting, to pasting 3D objects was allowed. A variety of size and color was encouraged.
As an extension to this project, you could teach older elementary grades how to translate what size a picture will be when printed versus how it looks on a word document or google docs. I know I have found the ruler tool on word and google docs very useful or this project. I first measured the space I want a printed picture to take up on my footprint, and then I adjusted the picture on a word document to match my measurements. By teaching students how to use the ruler tool, you are providing them with a useful computer skill, but you are also having students practice measuring with a ruler.